Product Update

Introducing Collections



April 24, 2023

Share multiple Spaces easily and organize your library for you and your collabators

In this update, we focused on making Highnote even more collaborative and intuitive when organizing your projects. Up until now, Spaces have been the primary way to organize your tracks and bring in your collaborators. But, for those with lots of projects or recurring teams of collaborators, it can be cumbersome to continually re-add the same people to every Space you create.

Now, you can nest Spaces together in Collections. Collections can have unique names, a description to provide context, and unique members who automatically have access to everything saved in that Collection. This enables you to create shared libraries of Spaces and Tracks that are quickly and easily accessible to everyone in your team or studio.

Collaborators that are only added to a specific Space within a Collection will not have access to the other Spaces. Keep projects organized and grouped, while maintaining flexible controls over who can access.

Just to recap this update:

  • Collections are groups of Spaces and other Collections, like a parent folder.

  • Provide shared access to multiple Spaces

  • Perfect for studios, labels, and teams with similar collaborators

  • Help keep your library organized

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Product Update


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Join the thousands bringing calm to their creative process with Highnote

Join the thousands bringing calm to their creative process with Highnote